Practice & Ethos
I work with a diverse range of organisations and my work spans multiple disciplines - health, education, dance, creativity, yoga and creative ageing. I welcome collaborations with academics, policy makers, other creatives and body workers. Anyone who is interested in facilitating change and shares the value of;
- Community engagement and consultation
Positive creative ageing
- Intergenerational arts
Person centred learning
The value of rituals
Integrated arts for people living with dementia
Supporting & engaging caregivers and care staff
““I am a champion of the importance and entitlement to creative engagement.
My practice is rooted in paying attention, in experimentation and polite subversion””
Groups and Organisations
Here are some of the groups and organisations I have worked and collaborated with over the years. This has allowed me to explore, experiment and develop my approach with a huge range of people:
- Newcastle University
- Sunderland University
- Creative Partnerships
- Equal Arts
- Isis Arts
- Northern Stage
- Institute For Creative Arts Practice, Newcastle
- The Sage Gateshead
- St George’s Hospital Morpeth.
- Willow Burn Hospice
- Barnardos
- Marine Park Primary School
- The Children’s Fund
- Dementia Innovation Hub
- Northumbria University
- Age UK
Current Projects & Partnerships
I have taught, facilitated and shared practice within schools, colleges and universities throughout my career. My methodology invites learners/participants to source and to trust movement, ideas and questions which emerge from their own experiences and felt senses.
I believe in changing our perspective and rewriting the narrative we have about what it means to grow older in our society. My work is about embracing the situation yet refusing to be limited by it. I am continually experimenting, questioning and taking risks with the content of my work with elders whilst trying to make it inclusive, enjoyable and suitable for the people and the context I am working in.
I am artist in residence at Newcastle University. Participation will be at the heart of the residency. It is a delight to have time to experiment, to play and to ponder being a physical human!
I am a founder member of Dry Water, an artist led company dedicated to working in participatory settings with people of all ages. We aim to put the heart into art embracing connections and possibilities.
Years of practice, collaborative engagement, observation and listening have led to the development a particular approach to sharing dance with people living with dementia.
In 2013 I was awarded a Winston Churchill Travelling Fellowship in the Arts & Crafts category. Entitled The Democracy Of Dancing - Improvisation as a model for community belonging and well being. It was a wonderful opportunity to research the impact of participatory arts, primarily dance on communities. Who gets opportunities, how do we ensure do we make art relevant and reflective of communities? Click to download a PDF of my Churchill report.
I am an artist researcher working in collaboration with Professor Trish Winter, Sunderland University. Together we are finding ways to combine academic rigour with experiential knowledge and a joint love of dance.
bait works in partnership to support more people in South East Northumberland to create and take part in inspiring and high quality arts experiences. All projects aim to build a stronger future future for the people who live here. I am currently collaborating on an exciting dance film commission with Emilyn Claid, dance artist and Professor of Choreographic Practices, maker and curator Luke Pell and filmmaker Lucy Cash.
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