Allowing Buds to Blossom
Child Led Learning - a practice of open enquiry and exploration
Dunn Street Primary School - Jarrow
Offerings • Suggestions • Possibilities
Provocations serve as invitations to simply be with what is, allowing children to have time to notice, to experiment, share and appreciate their noticing. Learning in this way becomes mutually beneficial, embedding self-reliance in young learners, a sense that they do not always need to be told or instructed.
Confidence to express ideas and to figure things out can only help to build self-esteem and an open enquiring body and mind. I allow children to lead the research, deliberately refraining from overly explaining or telling. I seldom ask “what is it?” nor do I offer precise definitions particularly when a child is in the process of discovering the functionality/potential of an object.
“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, in the expert’s mind there are few
““The risk is the good bit””