Yoga Workshop - With A Twist

yoga workshop on twisting 


Saturday 11th June 2016
Space Six, Commercial Union House, Pilgrim Street, Newcastle, NE1
Cost £30

Join me, Paula Turner, and yoga teacher/thai massage practitioner David Atkinson for this exploratory workshop on twisting.

The practice of twisting is an often overlooked subject in Yoga and has many benefits, so come and experience a creative exploration of curling, uncurling, spiralling and meandering toward some classical Yoga twisting asanas. 

10.15 - 11.45 Paula is dedicated to the promotion and enjoyment of movement and will be drawing on a range of techniques to lead you deeper into your spiralling self.

12 - 1.30 David will lead you deeper into the process of twisting, exploring some classical twisting asanas, looking at the associated benefits and also possible hindrances to twisting with ease.

The session will conclude with a meditative awareness practice and relaxation. 

To book a place contacct

YogaEmma George