Being - a physical human

My first few weeks as artist in residence have been about exploring, observing and listening. Conversations have been exciting with incredible potential for creating performances, happenings and experiential seminars. I have been collecting phrases that intrigue, amuse and confound me.

" Physical and human are quite separate"

"We are not very reflective in physical, we like facts and stats, the humans are much more reflective"

" My research is about hook ups with interactions, with actual physicality....convenient touch straight away"

"Embodied reactions, felt senses mediated through technology"

Geography at Newcastle is characterised by its openness to conceptual possibility, theoretical plurality, and a willingness to explore new methodologies in research......very, very exciting in an embodied physical human way!!

With thanks to Iain Garrett for photography - another marvel in the department.

LeverhulmePaula Turner